h01: U.S. Census Population Analysis

ready? assigned due
true Sat 11/09 11:00AM Fri 11/15 07:00PM

HW 01

The examples in this assignment are based directly on Chapters 6.3 and 6.4 of the online textbook. Some information was removed and new information and questions were added in italics. Feel free to cross-reference the book to figure out how to solve the questions.

Read all instructions carefully

To maximize your learning and understanding of the material, we strongly recommend carefully reading the instructions and making an honest attempt at solving the problem yourself (i.e., on your own) before discussing it with anyone or asking for help.

This assignment should be your own work, done entirely by you using your own words and solutions (using the code provided in the textbook). By submitting this assignment, you acknowldge that you have read the information on Academic Integrity and verify that this assignment constitutes your own work.

Important: The ok tests don’t usually tell you that your answer is correct. More often, they help catch careless mistakes. It’s up to you to ensure that your answer is correct. If you’re not sure, ask someone (not for the answer, but for some guidance about your approach).

Here’s the link to the HW01 notebook. As always, use this link to open the assignment to make sure you have the most up-to-date instructions and corrections.